Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Quick posting

A quick posting today with lots to do.  The night sky for May 2011:- http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/astronomy/nightsky/

http://www.formula1.com/  I really like the layout for this site.

Advanced notice - I shall be away on holiday for four weeks from next Tuesday.  It is unlikely there will be any postings during that time, unless I can get to an internet cafe somewhere :)

Am still having problems with my Dell Dimension desktop PC.  I had Windows XP loaded and booting fine at ten to twelve on Saturday evening.  Then I managed to set up a network using a BT Home Hub - quite chuffed really, then the automatic updates started and we crashed trying to install service pack 2 which is needed to upgrade to Vista.  Now as I type the machine is format the hard drive again, as it went trhouh that many restarts I figured it best to start again and I hadn't put anything apart from a word processor (The excellent Open Office) on it.  So we wait with fingers crossed.

Tomorrow I'll put some photo's of our blosom tree that until recent winds was doing quite nicely.

Have a great Tuesday.

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