Thursday, 24 March 2011

Posting from Day Of the Dogs

[This story is Copyright Lancaster 2010, no part of this work may be reproduced in any format, without prior written permission from the author.]
A short extract from my story Day of the Dogs..................................
Skill finding and tagging the humans around the globe who would be moved to the various colonies.
Humans were set to task on recycling all known military and non military weapons. This task took
four years, then those with non dog related skills were transported by The Dog Transport
Corporation to their colonies where they learned dog related skills including language translation.

A certain female Dog Gadget show presenter, was the most popular viewing for most canines world
wide. During a Dog Gadget show presentation she had forgotten to fasten a strap in the correct way
whilst attaching a Dog Bog to a cocker spaniel. The unfortunate canine had then had an urgent call
of nature all over her. The presenter had a fit of hysterics and a multitude of swear words had to be
barked out. It was the hottest viewed video on Dog Tube, which was so overloaded with nearly a
billion hits, the site actually went down for several hours.

Alas, not all canines joined the revolution. A safe haven for humans was the outback
region of Australia. The Dogs Underground Movement Head Quarters were located at Ayres Rock.
The underground pop group Dog Eared released a hit song in the fourth year of what
humans called dogmanisation, the song called “Missing Youmans” was number one for twenty four
weeks breaking the Bryan Adams record for “Everything I Do” which was on the top spot for
seventeen weeks.

[This story is Copyright Lancaster 2010, no part of this work may be reproduced in any format, without prior written permission from the author.]

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