Friday, 29 July 2011

UFO Blog

Was having a search round UFO Blog and came across this interesting posting about Gary Mckinnon's mother wishing to talk with Nick Clegg. 

We wish Gary well and hope that he and his family find a successful conclusion to this matter.

More either tomorrow or Sunday.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Dragon's Triangle

I had heard of the Bermuda Triangle, but not known about the Dragon's Triangle.

Also known as the Devil's Sea.

Not only do we have to watch out for UFO's we have to look for USO's as well (Unidentified Submerged Objects)!

If you get a chance to watch the related UFO Files programme then it makes for interesting viewing.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Exciting German Grand Prix

Well done to Lewis Hamilton for winning the German Grand Prix.  I thought it was a very exciting race.  Shame for Jenson Button again, hopefully his luck will improve.  Very Mansell and Senna like when Webber picked up Alonso - I was waiting for either Martin Brundle or David Coulthard to mention that comparison, when sure enough DC did so.  We could have a penalty in the next race for those two, or simply a hefty fine!

Am glad the space shuttle is safely back on Earth albeit for the final time.  Am reading How To Live On Mars by Robert Zubrin How to Live on Mars: A Trusty Guidebook to Surviving and Thriving on the Red Planet

How to Live on Mars: A Trusty Guidebook to Surviving and Thriving on the Red Planet
So far an enjoyable read.  So, this has got me thinking:-  If you were planning a mission to the Red Planet, how many people would you include in your team?

Am starting a poll on this, so will be interesting to see your votes.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

H G Wells War Of The Worlds

I watched yesterday UFO Files and the War Of The Worlds episode (Thankfully on our sky + box so I could fast forward through the ads).  It got me thinking about Mars again and whether a private mission would ever be possible.  Be that for a probe or a manned mission :)

In my searches also found this link to Derren Brown's blog

Face On Mars for those interested in what has been described as a natural weather made image!

I would have loved the suggestion of a "mission to mars project" in science when I was at school.

Space Shuttle Atlantis left the ISS today due to return to Earth on Thursday..................................

Monday, 18 July 2011

Some quotes for you.

When dew is on the grass - Rain will never come to pass.  When grass is dry at morning light look for the rain before the night.

The road to success is usually under construction!

The English winter.  Ending in July..........................To recommence in August.  (Lord Byron).

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.

The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so that they have a common enemy.  (Sam Levenson 1911 -1980).

Was good to see Andrea Corr on a certain show yesterday (Sunday) singing a clip from her new solo album.

The weather is wet and dreary here oh and cold!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Ode to a busy morning.............................

Well, so far I have achieved the following this morning:-

Sorted rubbish out for recycling.
Peeled 1 x bag of carrots.
Peeled 1 x bag of potatoes.
Done exercises 30 minutes.

And in twenty cycles I will after the dishwasher has cooled down be emptying that.

Don't you just love chores! :)

Monday, 11 July 2011

Good British GP.

I was really pleased with the British Grand Prix yesterday.  Some exciting overtaking moves, not least Jenson on Massa, then Hamilton on Massa during the last lap.

While it was disappointing that a Ferrari won and there wasn't a British driver on the podium it was an enjoyable race to watch. please click the link for more GP news.

Now, I have a bit of a dilemma, whether to put a wireless card in this computer so I can move it into my study.  I'm not so sure how secure wireless is, but it would save unplugging the telephone cable every time someone else wishes to use their computer.

Well, I'll keep you posted, all for today, back soon :)

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Space shuttle Atlantis.

I missed the final shuttle launch by two minutes as I couldn't find the BBC News channel on the Sky system.  So, here is a link to Nasa's own web site if like me you missed it.

A quick link for the actual launch video

Enjoy, I remember watching the first launch when I was at school so it seemed fitting to follow the progress of the final launch. 

One wonders what next for America and the space programme.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Things not working

It's been a morning of things not working properly and hence when that happens things generally get called "Useless dog" or words to that effect. I'll not bore you to tears with every detail but it's one of those days where you feel you ought to have stayed in bed and it's not even a Sunday.

About the only thing that has worked without failing on me is Second Life and I have managed to get a classified advert published for our new venture on the simulation or virtual world.

Must edit some more photo's tomorrow and put them on.  That's about it for today.  Except I was looking at box DVD sets of old favourites like Macgyver and The Six Million Dollar Man on eBay, why so expensive - over seventy English pounds for a complete box set.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Wimbledon over

So, now that the tennis is finished I can get on with some more blogging.  I have been busy setting up a musician friend of mine an account on Second Life.  This is to try and promote some of his music and hopefully hold some live events later in the year.  We found some land which is a bit on the expensive side rent wise, but we seem bat the moment anyway to be able to do want we want.

I'll post more details in the week.

Archangel: A NovelAlso finished reading Archangel by Robert Harris Archangel: A Novel

It's a good story about a Doctor of history's quest for Joseph Stalin's private notebook.  It does at times read like it was written for a movie, but it does keep you turning the pages.