Monday, 22 August 2011

Better late than never.

Well, it's finally here, my tips and tricks report, the following is just a sample of the full report.

If you have not yet got one, then the purchase of a Turbo or Titan Peeler. is a good and worth while investment.

We'll start off with carrots.

You'll need some newspaper (Sunday Telegraph is a good choice) several sheets of newspaper or if no newspaper then some supermarket plastic shopping bags will do.

Notice the set up. I have arranged the Titan Peeler on the chopping board, the peelings of the carrots already done to the right of the board and the carrots to be done on the empty bag.

I start by topping and tailing the carrots, using a knife. Then I'll peel four carrots (This is just my choice, as I like small numbers). Then using a knife I'll chop two carrots together (This is entirely possible with a suitable knife).

I then empty the carrots into a colander, rinse and repeat until all the carrots in the bag are peeled and chopped. Once they are all done empty the carrots into the pan and cover with water.

If you'd like the full report, then you can purchase it for the grand total of ninety nine pence from the Lulu button on this blog.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Monday, 15 August 2011

What you can do with a home vegetable plot.

A quick Monday morning posting, as many of you will have been out in the garden this weekend.

Showing just what you can achieve with three tons of top soil and some creative thinking!

Friday, 12 August 2011

New UFO files released

A slight change of plan today, as we learn that the UK Government has released some new UFO files.

Follow the on screen instructions.

Lytham's very own UFO sighting.

Back next week, with some tips and tricks on doing those chores, have a great weekend. :)

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Even Australia has a Bermuda Triangle

Over the next few days I'll be posting some pages about this:-

Weather is appalling here, looks like we have had our summer :) 

Monday, 8 August 2011

Good days racing BTCC

I like the coverage on ITV4 of the BTCC championship Race three was exciting.  During the last laps, Gordon Shedden with a damaged front wing was given a black/orange flag to come into the pit lane to have the damage removed.  The second race winner promptly swiped a plastic barrier removing the offending article.   I learn from the results he was disqualified from the standings in race three!

More soon.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Water found on Mars

A quick link today, just heard on the news and did a Google search for Water found on Mars.

Have a good weekend.

Monday, 1 August 2011

August Sky Map

Please click on this link for August Sky Map.

It is pdf format so you can save to disk and print out.

Well done to Jenson Button for winning yesterdays Hungarian Grand Prix.  It was an exciting race, not least with the two McLaren drivers battling for position.  A long break now before the final race in Europe.