Wednesday, 13 October 2010

The telephone!

I was sitting quite happily yesterday watching Doctors as I do most lunchtimes and the phone rang.  It was someone trying to sell me yet more advertising.  I've just put an advert in a local magazine to try and get some more business coming up to Christmas.  One of the most infuriating things that happen when you do this is other companies selling advertising ring you to tout for more business that you can't really afford.  So you are paying for other advertisers to ring you really!

One thing I've noticed these days is that no one and I mean no one ever asks if it's convenient to talk.  They just rush in with their sales pitch or questions.  You could be asleep, or having some food, or other activities that I'll leave to the readers imagination!

Part of my job is to ring my exisiting customers and book in a servicing for a house hold item.  I learned along time ago that it is only polite when you are ringing after six o clock in the evening to ask "Is it convenient to talk?".  Nine times out of ten it's okay and people are only to happy to take your call.  I've also now adopted this policy during the day time and found it works just as well.

Of course no one bothers to ask me if it's convenient to talk but I suppose that doesn't matter does it!

So people, as during troubled ecomonic times, peoples down time is becoming more precious, just adopt a little politeness and see how far it gets you.

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